Plans for modern complex in Wyong’s civic precinct

Wyong Shire Council has lodged a Development Application (DA) and Masterplan for a Council-owned Iconic Development Site as part of the rejuvenation of the Wyong civil and cultural precinct on Anzac Avenue in the Wyong Central Business District (CBD).

Council is currently delivering the $6.8m flood mitigation project in this area and will start the $12.7m construction of The Art House performing arts centre at 8 Anzac Avenue next week.

Other projects planned as part of the Anzac Avenue civil and cultural precinct rejuvenation include the refurbishment of Frank Balance Park and this new Development Application for a modern office and retail building at the corner of Hely Street and Anzac Avenue.

The DA has been lodged as a Stage One proposal for a six storey building, with five storeys of commercial space above a retail ground floor. 

It includes proposals for landscaping, a roof top terrace, 50 underground car parking spaces and outdoor dining, with the development valued at approximately $19 million.

Stage Two proposes a Masterplan approval for mixed use development and associated car parking, the details of which will be subject of a future DA.

Council’s Manager, Property Development, Mr Steve Mann, said the proposal is designed to attract new commercial tenants into the town centre and bring jobs into the area.

“Apart from the Regional Police Station this will be the first new significant commercial building planned for the town centre in the last five years,” Mr Mann said.

“It is well located near Wyong train station, next to Wyong Court House, Regional Police Station and Wyong Council building.

“It will further supplement The Art House which is about to start construction and is part of the implementation of the Wyong Civic and Cultural Precinct Masterplan,” Mr Mann said.

Mayor Doug Eaton said the DA was the next step in activating the Iconic Development Site.

“This proposal is for a modern civic and retail complex that aims to create good outcomes for the community in terms of jobs and public amenity,” Mayor Eaton said.

“It is subject to all the relevant provisions of the Wyong Local Environment Plan 2013 and will be assessed by the Hunter and Central Coast Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP),” he said.

Under the Wyong Development Control Plan 2013 Chapter 1.2 Notification of Development Proposals, the proposed development is not required to be advertised or notified to adjoining properties as it is in a commercial zone and the land does not adjoin a residential property or an environmental zone.

For more information visit Wyong Shire Council