Port Phillip urges reduced height for Ferrars Street tower
Port Phillip urges reduced height for Ferrars Street tower
Port Phillip Council will ask the Metropolitan Planning Authority to reduce the height of a planned tower near the proposed Ferrars Street primary school in South Melbourne to avoid setting a concerning precedent.
Councillors decided at a Statutory Planning Committee Meeting last night to advise the MPA that the 24 storey building proposed by the developer was inconsistent with the 18-storey limit recommended in the State Government’s Strategic Framework Plan.
“This height is more than 30 per cent higher than the preferred building scale for this area and would set a precedent for other buildings to exceed 18-storeys,” Mayor Amanda Stevens said.
As the MPA is the Responsible Authority for this area, Council can only provide advice to be considered when the MPA makes its final assessment of the planning application.
“Council has consistently stated its position on issues relating to Fishermans Bend, including appropriate heights, and will urge the MPA to consider our view that 18 storeys should be the maximum when assessing the application for 171-183 Ferrars Street,” Cr Stevens said.
“While the SFP provides discretion to exceed the maximum preferred height, Council believes new planning approvals should reflect the area and not detract from the liveability of this growing community,” she said.
“Council is also concerned about the cumulative impact of this sort of density on the general character and congestion of the Fishermans Bend community.”
The proposed design includes:
- A publicly accessible through link between Ferrars Street and Railway Place
- A footbridge link from the internal arcade at first floor level across Railway Place to an elevated light rail platform opposite and
- A start-up business incubator style hot-desk/studio/office space on the first floor.
Councillors supported proposed street setbacks to the tower, 24 hour public access to an arcade via the ground floor through link and the office space concept.
The proposed first floor level and associated link-bridge, however was opposed due to design concerns and doubts about its overall benefit.
For more informmation visit Port Phillip Council