Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)


The Regional Arts Development Fund is a Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Maranoa Regional Council partnership to support local arts and culture.

Councillor Wendy Newman, RADF committee chair said it is always satisfying to help community groups through the Regional Arts Development Fund.

"Roma Patchwork and Craft and Maranoa Music Incorporated are two of nine projects that received assistance in 2014 with more than $30,000 distributed between the applicants,"

"It is great to see art and culture throughout the region flourishing under the initiative from the Queensland Government (through Arts Queensland)."

The successful applicants for this round were:

1. Roma Patchwork and Craft

A quilt finishing workshop with a professional tutor. Project total: $1,890

Funding: $955

2. Maranoa Music Incorporated

A 2-day workshop with a professional drummer, covering drumming and rhythm sections. Project total: $3,466

Funding: $1,993

A third project application from the Maranoa Regional Landcare Association will also be supported under a different funding arrangement.

Round 3 of RADF is open NOW until Monday, 23 March.

A program that supports community groups and local artists seeking funding, RADF is available for a variety of creative projects, including:

  • Visual arts
  • Music
  • Theatre or drama
  • Dance
  • Digital media
  • Public art
  • Collections
  • Design

Applicants are encouraged to start planning their project now, and to seek further information and support from Council’s RADF Liaison Officer, Sue Sands on 1300 007 662.

For more information visit Maranoa Regional Council