Residential Growth in Burnside - Stage 2 Consultation

Based on individual responses from the community and through our Facebook page, Council has developed a number of residential housing options. We are keen to get your feedback on which types of housing options you think are most acceptable in particular locations.

In 2010, the State Government released ‘The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide’ which outlines targets for job creation and housing development to accommodate a projected population growth of 560,000 people by 2036.

The plan aims to increase the amount of houses built within the existing inner metropolitan area as opposed to the metropolitan fringe, from the current 50:50 split to a 70:30 ratio.

An overall target of 258,000 additional homes is proposed, of which 18,400 (approximately 7%) are envisaged in eastern Adelaide. The target for the City of Burnside is about 1,700 new homes or 56 per year for the next 30 years.

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Tell us what you think

Your views are important in assisting Council to determine where the focus of investigations should be in preparing a Development Amendment Plan (DPA) for housing diversity.

We would encourage you to complete the survey on Engage Burnside by Thursday 17 April 2014.

Attend a community workshop

Repeat workshops are being held at the Council Civic Centre, 401 Greenhill Road, Tusmore, on:

  • Monday 7 April 2014 from 7 pm – 9.30 pm
  • Wednesday 9 April 2014 from 11 am – 1.30 pm

Please RSVP to Council on 8366 4200 by Friday 4 April 2014.

Council has also engaged Harrison Research to conduct a random telephone survey of 400 residents and ratepayers of the City. You may wish to keep this brochure near your phone in case you are called, so you can view the housing options. The telephone survey will take the place of the citizens’ jury.

Outcomes of the engagement process will be reported to Council at their meeting in May 2014. They will also be posted on our website.


For more information visit City of Burnside