Supporting young people in Whitehorse in 2014

As schools, unis and work places get back to normal after the holiday period, Whitehorse City Council’s youth centre offers a supportive environment for young people needing assistance on a range of issues regarding school, uni life and the work place. 

Whitehorse Councillor Andrew Munroe said Youth ConneXions in Box Hill offered a range of activities, programs and events for young people aged 12-24, including options for socialising, creating music and relaxing. 

“Youth ConneXions is a place for young people to chill out, chat to a qualified youth worker, get help and advice with homework or a job hunt, and get access to the internet, computers and a photocopier,” Cr Munroe said. 

“All services are free, and a particularly important program Youth ConneXions runs is its resume writing program to help young people find part-time or full-time work. 

“Young people can make an appointment Monday to Friday from 1pm-5pm to get one-on-one help putting a new resume together or reviewing one they already have.” 

Other services offered by Youth ConneXions include: 

  • Personal support
  • Referrals to a range of services including accommodation, health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol workers, legal and financial support
  • Table tennis, pool table, games and a relaxing couch area
  • Hot and cold drinks. 

Youth ConneXions also offers a recording studio program on Tuesday afternoons from 1pm-5pm by appointment. Young people can book the studio for some recording time or make use of the many instruments available. 

Youth Connexions has a Facebook page where young people find out about upcoming events, contact friendly staff, share ideas or opinions and just have fun. Search and ‘like’ Youth Connexions on Facebook:

For more information visit City of Whitehorse