Watch Kingston Council meetings at home

Residents can have a front row seat at Kingston Council meetings without leaving home when proceedings are webcast live on the internet from July 22.

The live streaming means residents can watch Councillors in action and instantly know what has been decided without attending the monthly Ordinary Council Meetings or looking up the public minutes posted on Kingston’s website.

The meetings will be archived so Council watchers can look up particular sections of debate or view  the entire proceedings when it suits them.

Kingston Mayor Ron Brownlees OAM said Council only knew of two other Victorian Councils which were streaming their meetings.

“Kingston Council highly values transparency and connecting with all members of our community,” Cr Brownlees said.

“This is another way Kingston is embracing online technology to better engage the community, who already have access to our latest news on Facebook and Twitter and use these sites to provide feedback to us.

“Recording Council meetings also gives residents greater accessibility to the decision making process, particularly those who find it difficult to attend Council meetings regularly but want to be fully informed.”

For more information or to view the meetings, visit