Archived News for Professionals in Local Government - March, 2017
The Federal Government says the “success” of its cashless welfare card trial means it will continue.
Growers fear anti-global push
Some key non-mining industries are concerned about the rise of protectionism.
DNA map shows ancient moves
An advanced DNA project has mapped the connection to country of Indigenous Australians.
Frack ban for Vic farmers
Fracking is illegal and conventional onshore gas is banned in Victoria until at June 2020.
IBAC hits Bendigo corruption
The head of Bendigo Health used the organisation's employees to do unpaid work on his wife’s properties.
Rate capping plans slammed
The SA LGA is taking up arms against perceived cuts to council facilities and services.
Small swamps play big role
Experts say we may be paying too much attention to large wetland conservation.
TasWater takeover continues
The Tasmanian Government is moving to take control of the state's water body.
ABC cuts to fund rural services
The national broadcaster is cutting to 200 jobs to fund new content and regional services.
Homeless fight on Mayor's doorstep
Protesters have disturbed the sleep of Melbourne Lord Mayor Robert Doyle to get him to wake up ...
Report reveals Fraser frictions
Leaked reports suggest disorder and distrust reigns within the Fraser Coast Regional Council.